I am absolutely thrilled to introduce you to a handful of my closest friends, who bring endless joy and laughter into my life. These fantastic individuals are not merely acquaintances but treasured companions with whom I wholeheartedly enjoy spending time. Their presence adds an irreplaceable spark of excitement and liveliness to my days. I kindly invite you to click on their captivating pictures, which serve as portals to discovering more about their extraordinary personalities.

Through these enlightening journeys, you'll uncover the unique qualities that make each one of them so special and cherished in my heart. So, without further ado, let the exploration begin!

While many of us are located in Vancouver BC, some of my friends are from out of town, you’re welcome to inquire about upcoming visits, FMTY rates or sponsoring a duo tour.

I’m always happy to connect with new friends and would be delighted to have a duo with someone of your choosing if they are also interested in meeting!

*All duos will be rate matched to the higher rate. Extended duos/Group Play/Orgies rates to be discussed.

Vancouver Based

Ivy Lane


Feisty Redhead

Naturally Busty

Sensual Bisexual GFE

Papa Lobo


Furry Beefy Masculine

True Bisexual Intimacy



Petite and Curvy

Playful and Interactive

Sensual GFE

Vancouver Island Based

Lexci Lust

Victoria Vancouver Travel Passport Ready

Renaissance Body

Oral Expert

True Pansexual GFE

Vivacious Vivian


Sweet and Sensual

Intuitive and Seductive

Mature Voluptuous Vixen

Cougar Chelsea

Nanaimo | Mexico | Touring

Hot MILF Hedonist

True Bisexual Swinger